Interview Questions

1. Which OS does Cypress support?

  • Cypress is compatible with macOS, Linux, and Windows and can be installed on any of these platforms. Check out the system requirements here.

2. What is the command used to run a browser in Cypress?

  • The Electron browser is pre-installed and comes with the tool by default.
    Electrons can be launched headlessly to run within the CLI.
    The following command must be used to launch the Electron browser.
  • headed cypress run

3. What are the advantages of Cypress?

  • There are numerous benefits to using cypress, but here are a few of the most intriguing.
    • Real-time reloads 
    • Debuggability
    • Automatic waiting 
    • Open Source Tool 
    • Quick response time 
     • Active community support 
    • Real-time reloads 

4. How is Cypress different from the X testing tool?

  • Cypress test runner functions as an application, framework, and service all in one. It complements and improves the performance of other available testing tools.
    The other tools are:
    • Mocha 
    • Karma 
    • Capybara 
    • Protractors are the other tools.

5. What languages does Cypress support?

  • If you are familiar with JavaScript and the NPM package manager for JavaScript, Cypress is simple to use.

6. What is automation in Cypress?

  • Cypress automation is the process of running a test code alongside an application with the assistance of a user. The test is run not only in a single loop but also in a single browser. For tasks that take place outside of the browser, a Node.js server is used.

7. What are the other tools used along with Cypress?

  • Prettier is recommended for code formatting, and other tools such as X path, Cucumber, and Docker are used during product testing.

8. Does Cypress support native mobile apps?

  • Cypress does not support native mobile apps, but it can be tested for some mobile browser functionality and apps that are used within a browser. Ionic is one of these supported frameworks.

9. What is component testing in Cypress? 

  • In Cypress, component testing is used to run tests on a single component in isolation. Typically, these component tests are carried out using Node.js frameworks for testing, such as jest or mocha. The components to be tested are displayed in Js, a virtual browser.

10. What is the use of plugins in Cypress?

  • Cypress plugins are used to change, access, or extend the internal Behavior of a Cypress tool. These plugins are used to write custom code that runs at various stages of the lifecycle.

11. What are the 3rd party reporters built alongside Mocha?

  • There are two reporters built alongside Mocha, and they are:
    • Teamcity \s• Junit

12. Explain Cypress CLI?

  • Cypress is a command-line tool (CLI). It acts as a gateway for cypress commands in your terminal. However, the use of cypress is not required. You can also run Cypress tests in your browser by opening Cypress’ webpack monitor.

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