DevOps Training
DevOps: DevOps (development & operations) is an endeavor software development express used to mean a type of agile connection amongst development & IT. V Cube is one of the best institutes for DevOps training in Hyderabad, We offer comprehensive and in-depth training in DevOps. DevOps is an endeavor software development express used to mean a type of agile connection between development & IT operations. Join DevOps Training in KPHB
Duration:60 days

Module 1: DevOps Overview
- Evolution of Waterfall, Agile and DevOps
- What is DevOps
- Why DevOps
- Benefits of DevOps
- DevOps Stages
- DevOps Lifecycle
- Various Automation in DevOps
- Overview of CIC
Module 2: Linux Fundamentals
- Overview of Linux
- Linux Architecture
- Linux Distributions
- Basic Linux Commands
- File Permission Management User Creation
- Shell Scripts
- SSH and VI Utility
- Creation of User
- Establishing SSH Connection to the Server
- File creation and Manipulation using the VI editor
- Managing permissions
- Basic command execution
- Writing Shell Scripts Program
Module 3: Managing Source Code Git and GitHub
- Overview of Version Control System
- Central vs Distributed Version Control System
- Introduction to Git • Installation and setting up Git. Important Git Commands
- Creating and Managing git Repositories
- Branching, Merging, Stashing, Rebasing, Reverting and Resetting
- Introduction to GitHub
- Managing Remote Repositories
Practical includes:
- Installation and Configuration of git
- Creating Git Repositories
- Demonstrating various Git repositories
- Merging Branches and Managing merge conflicts
- Stashing, Reverting, Rebasing and Resetting
- Collaborating with local and remote repos
Module 4 Understanding
- Overview of Various Build Tools
- What is Maven • Maven Architecture
- Maven Plugins
- Maven Archetypes
- Maven Commands
Practical Include
- Maven Commands demonstration to Build, Test, and Package the projects
Module 5 Continuous Integration Using Jenkins
- Overview of Continuous Integration
- Difference between Continuous vs Traditional Integration
- Overview of Jenkins
- Jenkins Master-Slave Architecture
- Jenkins Installation and Configuration
- Jenkins Plugins • Jenkins Management • Jenkins Freestyle and Pipeline Jobs
- Scripted and Declarative Pipelines
- Configuring Slave Node to Jen
Practical Includes:
- Installation and Configuration of Jenkins
- Configuration of Tools
- Configuration of Plugins
- Creation of Freestyle Jobs, scripted and declarative pipeline jobs
- Demonstrate pipeline triggering using GitHub web
- Scripted and Declarative pipelines
- Integration of Code Coverage Tools and Static Code analysis tools
- Triggering pipelines using Git WebHooks
- Creation of CICD pipelines
- Adding slave node to J
Module 6 Sonarqube
- Sonar qube Introduction
- Sonar qube Installation & Configuration
- Adding users & Groups to the SonarQube Dash Board
- Integration Sonar qube with Jen
Module 7 Nexus
- Nexus Introduction
- Installation and configuration
- Nexus Setup
- Integration Nexus
Module 8 Containerization, Docker, and Docker Hub
- Introduction to Virtualization and Containerization
- What is Containerization
- Docker Architecture
- Overview of Docker Hub
- Docker Installation
- Docker Commands
- Container Modes
- Port Binding
- Docker file
- Managing Docker Images
- Running and Managing Containers
- Docker Volume
- Docker Compose
- Overview of Docker
Practical Includes:
- Installation of Docker and Docker Compose on AWS EC2
- Running Docker Commands
- Writing Docker Files for various applications
- Building Docker Images
- Pushing Images to Docker Hub
- Running Docker Containers, 7. Container Port Binding
- Running multiple containers using Docker Compose file
- Persisting container data using Docker Volume. 10. Initialize a docker swarm and demonstrate workload deployment
Module 9: Structure Query Language (SQL)
- Overview of SQL
- DDL Statements
- DML Statements
- DCL Statements
- Database Constraints
- Aggregate Functions (Avg, Sum, Max, Min, Count) • Order By, Group By and Having Clauses
- Various types of Joins
Practical Includes:
- Create Alter and Drop Tables
- Insert, Update, Delete and View Data
- Apply database constraints
- Statements execution using Order By, Group By, and Having clauses
- Applying Joins, Executing Subqueries and Aggregate functions
Module 10: Container Orchestration Tool – Kubernetes
- Overview of Container Orchestration
- Different between Docker Swarm and Kubernetes Cluster • Kubernetes Architecture
- Installation of Kubernetes – Minikube and EKS
- Kubernetes Nodes
- Kubernetes Pods
- Kubernetes Replica Set • Kubernetes Deployments
- Kubernetes Service
- Kubernetes Namespace
- Kubernetes Volumes
- Kubernetes Job
- Kubnernets Stateful Set • Kubernetes Daemon Set • Kubernetes Secrets
- Rolling updates and rollbacks
- Scaling up and down the application
Practical Includes:
- Installation and configuration of Kubernetes Minikube
- Creation of Pods and Deployments using ad-hoc Commands
- Creation of Pods and Replica set using YAML files
- Scaling up and Scaling Down the application
- Rolling out Deployments and Rolling Back
- Creation of Deployments, Services, Demon Set, State full Set, Secrets using YAML
- files
Module 11: Configuration Automation using Ansible
- Overview of Configuration Automation
- Introduction to Ansible
- Ansible Architecture
- Components of Ansible
- Installation and Configuration of Ansible
- Ansible ad-hoc commands
- Ansible Playbooks
- Ansible Variables
- Ansible Handlers
- Ansible Role using A
Practical Includes:
- Installation and Configuration Ansible
- Running Ansible ad-hoc commands.
- Writing Ansible Playbooks to Configure Servers
- Creating Ansible Role
Module 12: Continuous Monitoring using Prometheus and Grafana
- Overview of continuous monitoring
- Continuous monitoring tools in DevOps
- Installation and Configuration of Prometheus and Grafana
- Prometheus Architecture
- Monitoring using Prometheus
- Dashboard visualization using Grafana
Practical Include
- Installation and Configuration of tools
- Monitoring Targets using Prometheus
- Visualizing Reports using Grafana
Module 13 Terraform
- Introduction to Terraform
- Terraform Vs Ansible
- Terraform Architecture
- Terraform Configuration
- Terraform Commands
- Managing Terraform Resources
- Terraform End to end
Practical’s Includes
- Installation of Terraform on AWS EC2 Instance
- Writing Terraform Configuration
- Creation of AWS EC2 instance using terraform
- Managing AWS resources using Terraform
- End to End Infrastructure Creation
Module 14 HELM CHAR
- Helm Introduction and Installation
- Helm Concept • Helm architecture and components
- Helm charts
- Helm charts Preparation
- Helm chart. yaml file and ex
Practical’s Includes
- Converting Kubernetes manifest file into Helm charts.
- Set up WordPress using Helm charts on Kubernetes.
Module 15: Project Live Demo
- MINI Project 1
- MINI Project 2
- MAJOR Project 3
Devops Classes in Hyderabad
Course's Key Highlights
100+ hours of learning
Real-time industry professionals curate the course.
Internships and live projects
A cutting-edge training facility
Dedicated staff of placement experts
Placement is guaranteed 100 percent Assistance
28+ Skills That Are Useful in the Workplace
Trainers with a minimum of 12 years of experience
Videos and back-up classes
Subject Matter Experts Deliver Guest Lectures
Description of Devops Training
Best DevOps Training Institute in Hyderabad
DevOps is an IT cultural revolution sweeping through today’s organizations that want to develop, design, test, and deploy software more quickly and effectively. DevOps training in Hyderabad will enable you to master key DevOps principles, tools, and technologies such as automated testing, Infrastructure as a Code, Continuous Integration/Delivery, and more.
Software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) are combined in DevOps (Ops). Its goal is to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide high-quality software delivery continuously. DevOps is an add-on to Agile software development; in fact, several aspects of DevOps came from the Agile methodology.
Academics and practitioners have not developed a universal definition for the term “DevOps” other than it being a cross-functional combination (and a portmanteau) of the terms and concepts for “development” and “operations.” DevOps is typically defined by three key principles: shared ownership, workflow automation, and rapid feedback.
DevOps is defined as “a set of practices intended to reduce the time between committing a change to a system and the change being placed into normal production while ensuring high quality,” according to Len Bass, Ingo Weber, and Liming Zhu, three computer science researchers from the CSIRO and the Software Engineering Institute. The term is, however, used in a variety of contexts. DevOps is a combination of specific practices, culture change, and tools at its most successful. Enroll now in V cube if you are looking for DevOps training institutes in Hyderabad.
Why Devops Training is so popular?
Best DevOps Training in Hyderabad
Under a DevOps model, development and operations teams are no longer “siloed.” Sometimes, these two teams are merged into a single team where the Engineers work across the entire application lifecycle, from development and test to deployment to operations, and develop a range of skills not limited to a single function.
In some DevOps models, quality assurance and security teams may also become more Tightly integrated with Development and operations throughout the application lifecycle. When security is the focus of everyone on a DevOps team, this is sometimes referred to as DevOps.
These teams use practices to automate processes that historically have been manual and slow. They use a technology stack and tooling that help them operate and evolve applications quickly and reliably. These tools also help Engineers independently accomplish tasks (for example, deploying code or provisioning infrastructure) that normally would have required help from other teams, and this further increases a team’s velocity to know more about DevOps get your DevOps training in Kukatpally
Upskill & Reskill For Your Future With Our Software Courses
Best Devops Institute in Hyderabad

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- 2nd Floor Above Raymond’s Clothing Store KPHB, Phase-1, Kukatpally, Hyderabad
- +91 7675070124, +91 9059456742