Postman is an API developer collaboration platform. It is a well-known API client that allows you to create, construct, share, test, and document APIs. We can use the Postman tool to submit HTTP queries to a service and receive their responses. This allows us to ensure that the service is operational. Postman, which began as a Chrome browser plugin, now offers a native version for both Mac and Windows. Join V cube for Manual Testing & API with Postman training.

Duration:45 Days


Course's Key Highlights

check mark, check, ok-42622.jpg 100+ hours of learning
check mark, check, ok-42622.jpgReal-time industry professionals curate the course.

check mark, check, ok-42622.jpg Internships and live projects

A cutting-edge training facility

check mark, check, ok-42622.jpg Dedicated staff of placement experts

check mark, check, ok-42622.jpgPlacement is guaranteed 100 percent Assistance

check mark, check, ok-42622.jpg28+ Skills That Are Useful in the Workplace

Trainers with a minimum of 12 years of experience

check mark, check, ok-42622.jpgVideos and back-up classes

check mark, check, ok-42622.jpgSubject Matter Experts Deliver Guest Lectures.

Why use the Postman tool?

Postman is a simple graphical user interface for sending HTTP requests and viewing answers. It is based on a comprehensive collection of power tools that are incredibly simple to use. Postman assists you in a multitude of tasks ranging from

  • Requests are organised into collections and folders.
  • Using environment variables to share common values across requests
  • Using the built-in node.js runtime to script tests
  • Use Postman’s own CLI — Newman — to automate.

What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. Talking in technical terms an API is a set of procedures, functions, and other points of access that an application, an operating system, a library, etc., makes available to programmers in order to allow it to interact with other software. An API takes your requests from the device and fetches the response from the server. Today, API is everywhere. We have achieved so much through APIs, it’s hard to count. If you are into computer science or IT industry, there is no escape from APIs. APIs help you fetch a particular response according to the particular request. 

Manual Testing

Module 1:

Testing Concepts (Theoretical Concepts)

  • What is Software? Types of Software’s?
  • What is Software Testing?
  • What is Software Quality?
  • Project Vs Product
  • Why do we need Testing?
  • Error, Bug & Failure
  • Why the software has bugs?
  • Waterfall Model
  • Spiral Model
  • V-Model
  • QA & QC & QE
  • Different Levels of Software Testing
  • White Box & Black Box Testing
  • Static Testing & Dynamic Testing
  • Verification & Validation
  • System Testing Types
  • GUI Testing
  • Functional & Non-Functional Testing
  • Test Design Techniques
  • Re-Testing & Regression Testing
  • Exploratory Testing
  • Adhoc Testing
  • Sanity & Smoke Testing
  • End – To – End Testing
  • STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)
  • Use case, Test scenario & Test Case
  • Test Environment and Execution
  • Defect Reporting
  • Test Closure
  • Test Metrics

Module 2:

Software Testing Project

  • Project Introduction
  • Understanding Functional Requirements from FRS
  • Creating Test Scenarios
  • Creating Test Cases
  • Test execution
  • Bug Reporting & Tracking
  • Test Sign off

 Module 3:

Agile Testing + Jira Tool

  • Scrum Team
  • What is Sprint
  • What is user story
  • How to give story points/How to estimate user story
  • What is definition of Done and Definition of Ready
  • Different Sprint Activities
  • Sprint Planning / Backlog Refinement / Sprint Review / Sprint Retrospective

Jira Tool :-

  • How to install and configure JIRA Tool
  • How to create an EPIC/User stories in JIRA
  • Creating Sprints in JIRA
  • Sprint Life Cycle in JIRA
  • Backlogs in JIRA
  • Creating Bugs in JIRA
  • How to write test cases in JIRA with Test Rail Plugin
  • Creating test Cycles and Execute Test cases in JIRA

API with Postman:- 

  • Introduction to API/Webservices
  • How To Download and Install Postman
  • Postman UI
  • Types of HTTP Requests
  • Get, Post, Put & Delete requests
  • Adding Tests/Validations
  • Data Driven Testing using JSON & CSV Files
  • How To Run Collections
  • How to Generate HTML Reports
  • Exporting & Importing collections
  • Fake API Creation & Requests
  • postman variables
  • workflows
  • How to create own API’s(Fake API’s)
  • How To Chain API Requests
  • Authorizations
  • Postman Scripting/ Response Validations
  • Script Execution Order
  • Single/Multipart Files Upload & Download.
  • Export & import collections
  • Documenting Collections
  • Run options
  • Postman Integration with Jenkins

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