Interview Questions
- After the four major technologies that make up the stack, MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. MERN is one of numerous MEAN stack (MongoDB Express Angular Node) variants in which React.js replaces the usual Angular.js frontend framework.
2. Mention MongoDB’s objective.
- MongoDB is a document-oriented database executive that is used to store data. MongoDB holds data in binary JSON format, which embodies the anthology and documentation theory. MongoDB is a NoSQL database with great performance, scalability, and flexibility in querying and indexing.
3. Mention what Express JS is for.
- Express JS is a web application framework that was created to facilitate and host NodeJS projects. Express JS is an open-source framework licenced under the MIT licence. It coordinates the workflow between the front end and the database, ensuring that data is transferred quickly and securely. Furthermore, Express JS has strong error-handling web design functionality for streamlining online development processes.
4. What does AngularJS stand for?
- It is a Google-managed open-source and front-end web application. AngularJS allows web developers to utilise HTML as a template language and extend HTML’s syntax to clearly and precisely define the components of online applications.
5. List all of NodeJS’s features.
- NodeJS is a cross-platform open-source framework for developing server-side and networking applications that uses a single-threaded JavaScript framework. The MERN stack’s backbone is known as NodeJS. Apart from JavaScript, NodeJS uses C and C++ programming languages. It comes with a web server that allows MongoDB and cloud apps to be deployed quickly.
6. List the IDEs that are used in the NodeJS development process.
- The IDEs that are used for NodeJS programming are listed below.
- Atom is a type of atom.
- Cloud9 is a company that specializes in cloud computing.
- Eclipse is a term used to describe a phenomenon that occurs
- Komodo IDE is a software development environment for Komodo lizards.
- Jet Brain WebStorm is a web development tool by JetBrains.
- IntelliJ IDEA by JetBrains
7. Describe the Mongoose
- The object document mapper, or Mongoose, is used to define objects using a strongly typed schema that can be mapped to a MongoDB document. Mongoose, as a result, provides a schema-based solution for modelling application data. Typecasting, validation, query construction, business logic hooks, and other functionality were also integrated into Mongoose.
8. What is the definition of data modelling?
- In the context of Mongoose and MongoDB, this word is employed. Data modelling is the process of developing a data model for the data at hand before storing it in a database. The data model depicts the data object, its relationship, and the rules that govern how the data is connected.
- Data visualisation can be portrayed while business standards, compliance, and policy are enforced through data modelling. Data modelling is used to ensure that conventions, values, semantics, security, and data quality are all consistent.
9.Under NodeJS, define REPL.
- The Read Eval Print Loop (REPL) is a program that accepts commands, evaluates them, and prints the results. As a result, REPL works in the same way that Unix or Linux does in terms of creating an environment for entering commands and systems that respond to the output.
10. Describe the scope of JavaScript.
- Every JavaScript function is a scope: a collection of variables and rules that govern the variable’s unique name access. The code within a scope function can be used to control it. The variables are contained under a specific scope with distinct names.
11. List the difference between linear search and binary search
Linear search | Binary search |
Under linear search, the items will be considered one at a time without performing a jumping function. Linear search is classified as O(n) within the time limit for searching the list. | On the other hand, the binary search starts searching under the middle of the item list. A binary search has been performed to identify the values greater or lesser than the desired value. Binary search is classified as O(login). |
12. Make a distinction between NodeJS, AJAX, and jQuery.
- JavaScript is implemented using NodeJS, AJAX, and jQuery. However, they differ slightly from one another. NodeJS is a server-side platform that is used to construct client-server applications. AJAX, on the other hand, is a client scripting technique that allows you to render content without having to refresh the page. jQuery is a JavaScript that works with AJAX, the Document Object Model (DOM), traversal, and looping. This includes a feature that encourages JavaScript development.
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