Multi Cloud
Multicloud DevOps with Security DevSecOps Project with Real time Practical Solutions
Azure Cloud Services
Introduction to Azure Cloud infrastructure
- Cloud Technology overview
- Setting up a free tier account in Azure
- Subscription and Tenants in Azure
- Understanding IaaS, PaaS and SaaS
Duration: 45days

Multicloud Services
Implementing and managing Azure networking
- Overview of Azure networking
- Implementing and managing Azure virtual networks
- Configuring Azure virtual networks
- Configuring Azure virtual network connectivity
- Configuring the Subnets
- Configuring Virtual Network Region Peering
- Configuring Virtual Network Global Peering
- Understanding Azure to On-Prem Connectivity
- Deploying Azure Virtual Network Gateway.
- Understanding User Defined Routes(UDR).
- Configuring Azure Virtual Network Gateway with AWS over IPSec VPN.
- Implementing Azure Service End Points.
- Understanding Hub and Spoke Architecture
Understanding and Configuring Network Security Groups (NSG)
- Understanding Azure Network Security Groups (NSG)
- Creating and Updating Inbound & Outbound Security Rules.
- Understanding NSG Rule Hierarchy
- Testing Network Security Groups and learning rule priority.
- Creating NSG Rules with Service tags.
- Understanding Application Security Groups (ASG).
- Creating NSG with Application Security Groups.
Implementing & Configuring Azure Virtual Machines
- Overview Azure virtual machines
- Deploy virtual machines in the Azure portal
- Deploy virtual machines using Azure CLI
- Managing Azure Virtual machine storage
- Understanding Availability sets, Fault Domain & Update Domain.
- Creating & placing virtual machines in Availability Sets.
Designing & Implementing Azure Load Balancing
- Overview of Load Balancing
- Type of Load Balancers in Azure
- Basic vs. standard Load Balancer
- Deploying Basic Load Balancer with Availability Sets.
- Creating Backend Pools, Health probes, and Load Balance rules.
- Checking the Load Balancing scenarios.
- Configuring NAT using Basic Load Balancer.
Implement and configure Azure DNS & Azure Standard Load Balancer
- Understanding Azure DNS.
- Buying a domain name for
- Create an Azure DNS Zone and configure it with Go daddy.
- Create 3 Availability Sets and place a single virtual machine in each AV Set.
- Create Azure Standard Load Balancer, create backend pool, and assign all 3 AV Sets.
- Check the Load Balancing between the servers in different AV-Sets.
- Create Host Records for the Server and check the name resolution.
- Create the CNAME record for the Load Balancer and check the website resolution
Configuring Azure Application gateway
- Understanding Azure Application Gateway architecture.
- Understanding Path Based Routing in AGW.
- Creating multiple VMs and configuring application gateway.
- Configuring the SSL Off-loading on the Application gateway.
- Check pathing based routing using AGW.
Configuring Auto Scaling with Virtual Machine Scale Sets(VMSS)
- Understanding Azure VMSS
- Creating a Azure VM Image for VMSS
- Deploy VMSS with the custom image.
- Performing stress testing on the VMSS.
- Check Auto Scaling of VMs under stress testing
Planning and implementing Azure Storage
- Azure Storage account overview
- Understand Blob Storage
- Understand File Shares
- Configuring Azure File Sync
- Data migration using Azure storage explorer
- Manage Azure Storage permissions
- Azure Static Website deployment
- Custom domains
Configure and Manage Azure Backup and Disaster Recovery Services
- Backup and disaster recovery overview
- Backup VMware Servers to Azure
- Backup Azure VM & Azure SQL instances
- Azure replication and failover groups
- Azure disaster recovery vault configuration
- How to implement a full BCDR strategy
Planning and implementing Azure SQL Database
- Azure SQL database(PaaS) vs SQL database (IaaS)
- Structured vs Unstructured data
- DTUs – Azure SQL
- Azure SQL Global Replication and Failover Groups
Implementing Azure App Services
- Azure Web Apps overview ( PaaS)
- Deploying and Managing Web Apps
- Azure App Service plan
- Azure Deployment slots
- Azure Web Apps for scale and resilience
Implementing Azure Active Directory
- Azure Domain services
- Azure Active Directory overview
- Deploy and configure Active directory
- Create and manage users and groups
- Extending On-premise Active directory to Azure
- Configure Azure AD connect
- Role based access control (RBAC) overview
- Configure domain users and groups to access Azure portal
Configure Diagnostics, Monitoring, and Analytics
- Azure Monitoring and alerts configuration
- Log analytics
Azure Key vault
- Introduction to Key vault
- Vault creation and management
- Adding secrets and Credentials
- Vault integration and Azure Pipelines
- Introduction to terraform
- Infrastructure Automation
- Install Terraform
- Providers
- Resources
- Basic Syntax
Exercise: Your First Script
Getting started with Terraform
- Terraform Plan, show, Apply, Destroy
- Exploring Terraform Registry
- Terraform console and Output
- Terraform Variables
- Breaking out Our Variables and Outputs
Lab exercise: Breaking down into,
- Terraform Modules
- Introduction to Modules
- Modules repositories
- First basic Module
- Main Terraform code
Terraform with Azure – Lab part-1
- Setting up the system for Azure
- Setting up a storage account in Azure
- Setting up a Resource group on Azure
- Remote State
- Data Sources
- Templates
- Working with State files
Terraform with Azure – Lab Part 2
- Setting up V net on Azure Setting up Subnets on Azure
- Setting up NSG on Azure
❖ Introduction of DevOps
❖ Understanding DevOps Notation
❖ History of DevOps
Understanding different DevOps methodology
- Agile
- Scrum
- Waterfall Mode
Azure DevOps Introduction
- Understanding various Azure DevOps Services
- Setting up Azure DevOps free tier account
- Azure Project creation
- Understanding Azure DevOps Overview TAB
- Scenario-based interview question and solution
Azure Work Item Management
- Understanding Azure DevOps Boards
- Work item creation
- Backup and migration of work items
- Setting up iteration and path
- Customization Boards view
Repository Management
- Introduction to Repository Management
- Centralized version control
- Distributed version control
- Understanding various stages of GIT
- Running through basic commands
- Understanding Advanced GIT Concepts
➔ Cherry-picking
➔ Rebase
➔ Stash etc.
GIT Security
Talisman ( GIT Hooks):
- Introduction to GIT Hooks
- Understanding Pre-commit and pre-push hooks
- Integration Talisman on developer’s workstation
- Analysing Talisman reports and ways to ignore contents
Azure Repo
- Introduction to Azure Repos
- Multi-branch creation in Azure Repos Different ways to clone Azure repository
- Difference between clone and fork
- Understanding commit history and graphs
- Understanding various Azure functionalities like pull requests, cherry-picking, revert
- Understanding Advanced Pull Request concepts
- Merge, Squash, Rebase etc.,
- Tag creation in Azure Repos
- Azure Repos security and policies
- Scenario-based Interview Questions with Solutions
Azure Service Connection:
- Introduction to Azure Service connections
- Understanding the service principal concept
- Service connection creation
Azure Agent Pools:
- Introduction to Agent pools
- Hosted vs Self-Hosted Pools
- Self-hosted agent pool creation
- Integration of self-hosted agent pool with release pipelines
- YAM Basic Syntax
- Data Types supported by YAML
- A Format and indentation of YAML
Azure Pipelines:
- Build Pipelines
- Understanding continuous integration concepts
- Introduction to building process
- Project(1) – creation of ASP.NET Web application
- Classic build pipeline creation for ASP.Net application
- YAML build pipeline creation for ASP.NET application
- Different types of build triggers
- Pipelines custom variables
- Branch and Path filtration
- Understanding Pre-defined variables
- Project(2) – Introduction to Java Spring boot web application
- YAML build Pipeline creation for the JAVA web application
- Project(3) – Introduction to SQL database automation
- Creation of SQL Database dacpac project
- YAML build Pipeline creation of SQL database project
- Deployment Groups
- Environments
- Pipeline Library
- Task Groups
- Scenario-based Interview Questions with solution
Release Pipelines:
- Understanding Continuous Deployment and Delivery concepts
- Introduction to the release process
- Classic release pipeline creation to deploy ASP.NET web Application
- Multi-Stage deployment Pipeline creation
- YAML release Pipeline creation to deploy JAVA Web Application
- Integration of JUNIT analysis with JAVA build pipelines
- Classic release pipelines creation to deploy SQL DACPAC packages
- Deployment Strategies in Azure DevOps
- Scenario-based Interview Questions with Solution
- Introduction to Maven build tools
- Maven benefits over others Grandle, Ant
- Maven commands
- Integration of Maven with JAVA spring boot build pipelines
Build Pipeline Security:
SonarQube (SAST):
- Introduction to SonarQube
- Setting up SonarQube in the Docker container
- Downloading SonarQube plugins in Azure DevOps
- Creation of the service connection to connect the Sonar Server
- Creation of a New Project in SonarQube
- Integration of Sonar Analysis with Java Build pipelines
- Understanding publish gates and publish profiles
- Creation of custom publish gates
- Introduction of custom publish gates in build pipelines
- Adding Sonar Break task
- Analyzing Sonar Build reports
Azure Artifacts:
- Introduction to Azure Artifacts
- Creation of Private feeds
- Integration of Private feeds in build pipelines
- Packaging and pushing the dependency in private feeds
Azure Setting:
- Introduction to Organization and Project settings
- Azure Active Directory Integration with DevOps
- Azure Permission
- User and Group management
- Retention and storage policies
Docker Engine Installation
- Manual deployment of Docker CE on Ubuntu and CentOS
- Automate deployment with the help of Vagrant Basic introduction to Docker Engine
- Difference between Desktop and Server
- version check
- default locations
- commands execution
Docker architecture
- Docker daemon
- Docker client
- Docker registry
- Docker objects
- images
- containers
- Networking
- Services
Images and container management
- docker image registries
- docker image pull/push
- container creation
- Sample application deployment like web server
- Basic things to be considered while working with images and containers
Docker networking
- Understanding networking like IP, Classes, subnet mask, CIDR, gateway, broadcast, public and private network in each class, etc.
Docker Engine network types
- host
- bridge
- null
- overlay
- Docker Network Plugin overview
Docker storage
- Basic understanding of ephemeral and persistent storage
- Types of volume mounts
- Bind mount
- Volume mount
Building custom images
- Docker file parameters
- Develop custom image through Docker file
- Convert container into Image
- How to store Images in Container registries
Registry Management
- Docker Hub
- Kubernetes Introduction
- kube Architecture Namespaces
- kube Installation
- kube-Network communication
- Kubernetes-Operations
- Kubernetes Replica Sets
- Kubernetes-Services-Load balancers
- Kubernetes-Ingress
- Kubernetes-Namespaces
- Kubernetes-volumes
- Azure Kubernetes Service
- Ansible installation
- Configuring Ansible cfg
- Configuring Hosts file
- Ansible modules
- Working with Inventory files
- Ansible galaxy
- Ansible Roles
- Integrating Ansible into the Azure DevOps pipeline
Containerization Security:
Helm Charts:
- Introduction to Helm charts
- Installation and setup
- HELM Charts Basic commands
Service Mesh (Istio):
- Introduction to Service Mesh concepts
- Installation and setup of Istio Service Mesh
- Attaching side car containers with PODS
Monitoring (Prometheus and Grafana):
- Monitoring Stack setup
- Configuring Prometheus and Grafana
- Analyzing and visualizing metrics
Amazon Web Services
Linux Basics
Networking in AWS
- Introduction to AWS
- Networking Fundamentals
- VPC Overview
- VPC Components
- VPC Peering
- Creating and Configuring VPCs
- VPN Connections
- Transit Gateway
- Security Groups and Network ACLs
- Load Balancers
- AWS Route 53 Overview
- DNS Configuration
- Setting Up DNS
- AWS CloudWatch
- VPC Flow Logs
IAM [ Identity Access Management]
- Introduction to AWS
- Introduction to IAM u IAM Components
- Creating IAM Users
- Password Policies
- Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
- Managing IAM Users
- Creating IAM Groups u IAM Roles
- Permissions Policies
- Group and Role Management
- IAM Policy Conditions
- Identity Federation
- Cross-Account Access
- Implementing Advanced IAM Scenarios
- IAM Best Practices u IAM Access Analyzer
- Introduction to AWS Organizations
- Service Control Policies (SCPs)
- Cross-Account IAM Roles
- Setting Up AWS Organizations and Implementing Cross-Account Roles
- Introduction to EC2 instance
- Creating Launch templates
- Creating EC2 instance
- Saving sessions into putty
- Creating Images from EC2 instances
- Introduction to AWS Storage Services
- AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service)
- AWS EBS (Elastic Block Store)
- Amazon S3 Object Storage
- S3 Data Management
- S3 Security and Access Control
- Attaching and Detaching EBS Volumes
- EBS Snapshots
- Introduction to AWS Storage Gateway
- Data Lifecycle Policies
- S3 Glacier
- Introduction to AWS Database Services
- AWS RDS (Relational Database Service) Basics
- Relational Databases Overview
- Creating and Managing RDS Instances
- High Availability and Failover
- Data Backup and Disaster Recovery
- Introduction to Amazon Aurora
- Amazon Aurora vs. Traditional Databases
- Monitoring and Performance Optimization
- Cost Optimization
Management and Governance
- Introduction to AWS Management and Governance Services
- AWS Organizations
- AWS Control Tower
- AWS Cost Explorer
- AWS Budgets
- AWS Systems Manager
- AWS Config Rules
- AWS Organizations Policies
- Overview of SDLC process
- Overview of Jenkins
- Jenkins Master-Slave Architecture
- Jenkins Installation and configuration
- Jenkins plugins
- Jenkins Freestyle and Pipeline Jobs
- Configuring Slave Node to Jenkins
Real Time Projects:
Azure Pipeline:
★ End-to-end ASP.NET Web Application CI/CD deployment
★ End-to-end JAVA Web application CI/CD deployment
★ Integration of JACOCO, SonarQube
★ End-to-end SQL database automation and deployment on SQL Server.
★ Infra end-to-end project [multiple mini projects]
★ Java application CI/CD Deployment
★ Infra deployment using CI/CD pipeline
★ Deploying Multi-container applications on containers
★ Deploying custom .NET application on PODS
★ Deploy Azure App Service

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- 2nd Floor Above Raymond’s Clothing Store KPHB, Phase-1, Kukatpally, Hyderabad
+91 7675070124,
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