Power Bi Training
POWER BI course: Microsoft’s Power BI is a business investigation administration. It intends to provide intuitive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities using an interface that is simple enough for end users to create their reports and dashboards. V Cube Software Solutions is one of the top organizations in Hyderabad for Power BI Training. Get your Power BI Training in Kukatpally Now
Duration: 4 Month’s
Power BI Full Stack Course Syllabus
1. MS SQL Server
2. Power BI
3. MSBI (SSIS, SSRS, SSAS Tabular Model)
4. ADF ( Azure Data Factory)
Microsoft SQL Server is one the most popular Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
used in Microsoft Universe. It can be used for data storage as well as for data reading for applications
which can be either on a desktop or API/Browse.
Course Objectives: Learn about SQL–Structured Query Language
Build a database using Data Definition Language Statements Perform basic CRUD operations using
Data Manipulation Language statements like Insert, Update and Delete Write and Call stored
Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Cursors, and Records Optimization techniques in a database.
Pre-requisite / Target Audience:
This SQL server course can be taken by any beginner who wants to build a career in Information
Technology. The subscriber needs to have working knowledge of Windows Operating System.
Module 1:- Introduction to Basic Database Concepts
- Overview of Data, Fields, Records, Files, File Groups, and database Limitations of File Management System.
- Exploring Relational DBMS VS RDBMS Understanding Client And Server Architecture
Module 2:- Normalization
- First Normal Form, Second Normal Form, Third Normal and EF. Cod rules Form Practically Normalizing Tables
Module 3:- Introduction to SQL Server
- SQL Server Version history and different editions
- Overview of Components, Tools, and Software Installations Starting and Stopping SQL Server Instances / Services Introduction to Management Studio
- Types of System Databases in SQL (Master, Model, MSDB, Temp DB)
Module 4: Introduction to SQL
- SQL Commands (DDL, DML, DQL, TCL, DCL)
- Data types, Operators types of Operators Exploring Commands with Examples
Module 5: Working with Constraints & Data Integrity
- Primary Key, Unique, NULL, NOT NULL, CHECK, Default, Composite Key, Candidate Key and Foreign key
- Real-time scenarios to create database and Objects
Module 6: Working with Queries (DQL)
- Understanding Select Statement \ Query Processing steps
- Clauses (TOP, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, Order By with Offset and fetch) with Operators CASE and IIF Statement
Module 7: Aggregate Functions / String Functions / Date & Time Functions
- Using String functions in Queries
- Count, Sum, Min, Max, Avg, Group by and Having Clauses Date Time Functions
- Windows Functions / Analytical Functions with Grouping sets, Rollup and Cube
- RANK Functions
Module 8: Set Operators
- Introduction of Set Operators and Types UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, EXCEPT
Module 9: Sub Query’s
- Introduction of Sub query
- Sub query, Co-Related Sub Query
Module 10: Joins
- Introduction to Joins and types
- Inner Join / Left Outer Join / Right Outer Join / Full Outer Join /Self-Join /Cross Join
Module 11: Table Expressions / Temporary tables
- Derived Tables, Table variables, CTE (Common Table Expressions), Temporary Tables
(Local, Global) PIVOT / UNPIVOT, Temporal tables
Module 12: Working with Indexes
- Heap structure vs. B-Tree Structure Format Types Of indexes
- Clustered Index, Non-Clustered Index, Filter Index, Covering Index, Column Store index, Index Scan, Index Seek, Index Re-Organize and Index -Rebuild
Module 13: Implementing Views & partitions
- Introduction & Advantages of Views
- Types of Views (Simple / Complex / Materialized) Creating, Altering, Dropping Views
- SQL Server Catalogue Views (System Defined Views)
Module 14: Transactions
- ACID Properties, ISOLATION Levels, Locks.
- Transact-SQL (T-SQL)
Module 15: Basics of T-SQL Programming
- Variables Introduction & Types of Variables and Usage IF – Else, While structure programs.
- System functions
Module 16: Working with Stored Procedures (SP/Procs)
- Introduction to stored procedures
- Syntax of Creating, Executing, Altering, and Dropping of Procedures Input-Output and Optional Parameters
- Procedure Optimization techniques Error Handling in Stored Procedures
- Stored procedures vs. User-defined functions
Module 17: Working with Functions (UDF)
- User Defined Functions and types Of UDF Creating, Altering, and Dropping Functions
- Scalar Functions, Inline Table Valued Functions, Multi Statement Table Valued Functions
Module 18: Implementing Triggers
- Introduction to triggers Constraints vs Triggers
- Creating, Altering, and Dropping triggers Magic Tables
- Instead of Triggers
Module 19: Working with Cursors
- Introduction of cursors, Advantages of cursors, Creating Cursors, Types of cursors, Locks on cursors
Module 20: Backup and Restore
- Generating & executing SQL Script
- Taking database Backup and Restoring database using backup
Module 21: Query Performance Techniques & XML Data Types
- Query Optimization Techniques and SQL Profiler Overview.
Module 22: SQL Server Agent (Job Schedules)
- Introduction of SQL Server Agent
- Create a Job and Schedule a time to Process data automatically
Module 23: REAL-TIME PROJECT on BANKING / Retail Domain
Power BI
Power BI Complete Introduction
- Power BI Introduction, Brief History of Power BI, Data, Data Visualization, Reporting, Business Intelligence (BI), Traditional BI, Self-Serviced BI, Cloud Based BI, On-Premise BI.
- Power BI Report Server, Power BI Service, Power BI Mobile, Paginated Reports
- Flow of Work in Power BI / Power BI Architecture
- Power BI Desktop Installation and Hands-on practice
PBI Desktop & Power View Overview
- Power BI Desktop Components (Power Query, Power Pivot, Power View, Power Map, Q&A, Data Gateway)
- Building Blocks of Power BI (Fields, Filters, Visualizations, Reports, Data, Model Dashboards and Tiles)
- Data Connectivity Modes (Import, Direct, Live & Composite Models)
- Get Data Connecting Multiple sources and represent the data
- Overview of default and Custom visualizations
- Power BI Desktop User Interface.
- Fields Pane, Visualizations pane, Ribbon, Views, Pages Tab, Canvas, Visual Edit Interactions, Sync Slicer, Selection Pane, Buttons, Book Marks, Conditional formatting.
Power View
- Report View User Interface Fields Pane, Visualizations pane, Ribbon, Views, Pages Tab, Canvas, Visual Interactions, Interaction Type (Filter, Highlight, None) Visual Interactions Default Behaviour, Changing the Interaction.
- Filter Types, Visual Level Filters, Page Level Filters, Report Level Filters, Drill Through Filters,
- Filter Sub Types, Basic Filtering, Advanced Filtering, Top N, Relative Date Filtering
- Numeric field filters, Text field filters, Date and Time field Filters
Hierarchies and Drill-Down Reports
- Hierarchy Introduction, Default Date Hierarchy, Creating Hierarchy, Creating Custom Date Hierarchy, Change Hierarchy Levels, Drill-Up and Drill-Down Reports, Data Actions, Drill Down, Drill Up, Show Next Level, Expand Next Level, Drilling filters other visuals option
Power BI Visualizations
- Visualizing Data, Visualization types, Field Values, Visuals for Filtering, Visualizing, Categorical Data, Visualizing Trend Data, Visualizing KPI Data, Visualizing Tabular Data, Visualizing Geographical Data, Leveraging Power BI Custom Visuals
Visuals for Filtering
- Slicer / Sync Slicer Visualization, When to use a Slicer, Create and format Slicer Visualization, Hierarchy Slicer (Custom Visualization), When to use a Hierarchy Slicer, Create and format Hierarchy Slicer, Advantages of Hierarchy Slicer
Visualizing Categorical Data
- Create and Format Bar and Column Charts, Create and Format Stacked Bar Chart Stacked Column Chart, Create and Format Clustered Bar Chart, Clustered Column Charts, Create and Format 100% Stacked Bar Charts, 100% Stacked Column Charts, Create and Format Pie and Donut Charts, Create and Format the Tree Map Visual, Create and Format Scatter Charts
Visualizing Trend Data
- Line Chart, Area Charts, Create and Format Line Chart, Area Chart, Stacked Area Chart, Combo Charts, Create and Format Line and Stacked Column Chart, Line and Clustered Column Chart, Create and Format Ribbon Chart, Waterfall Chart, Funnel Chart
Visualizing KPI Data
- Create and Format Gauge Visual, KPI Visual, Create and Format Card Visualization, Multi-Row Card
- Visualizing Tabular Data, Geographical Data & R Script Visual
- Create and Format Table Visual, Matrix Visualization, Create and Format Map Visual, Filled Map Visual, Arc GIS Maps Visual, Create and Format R Script Visual
- Interview Questions Discussion and Practical Scenario Tasks
Power Query Editor \ Transform Editor
- Introduction to Power Query – Extract, Transform and Load (ETL)
- The Queries Pane, The Data View / Results Pane, The Query Settings Pane, Formula Bar, Advanced Editor – Complete ETL Code.
- Overview of Power Query / Transform Editor
- Data types, Changing the Data type of a Column
- Filters in Power Query, Auto Filter / Basic Filtering, Filter a Column using Text Filters
- Filter Columns using Number, Date, and Text
Inbuilt Column Transformations
- Remove Columns / Remove Other Columns, Name / Rename a Column, Reorder Columns or Sort Columns, Add Column / Custom Column, Split Columns, Merge Columns, PIVOT, UNPIVOT Columns, Transpose Columns, Invoke functions
In built-row transformations
- Header Row or Use First Row as Headers, Keep Top Rows, Keep Bottom Rows, Keep Range of Rows, Keep Duplicates, Keep Errors, Remove Top Rows, Remove Bottom Rows, Remove Alternative Rows, Remove Duplicates, Remove Blank Rows, Remove Errors, Group Rows / Group By
Combine Queries (Append Queries & Merge Queries)
- Append Queries, Append Queries as New, Append 2 or more files individually with different queries, Appending multiple files of the same type from a folder using a single query, Query Options, Coy Query, Paste Query, Delete Query, Rename Query, Enable Load, Include in report Refresh, duplicate Query, Reference Query, Move to Group, Move Up, Move Down
Merge Queries / Join Queries
- Merge Queries, Merge Queries as New, Default Types of Joins / Join Kinds / Merge Type, Left Outer (all from first, matching from second), Right Outer (all from second, matching from first), Full Outer (all rows from both), Inner (only matching rows), Left Anti (rows only in first), Right Anti (rows only in second).
Grouping, Binning & Sorting
- Grouping and Binning Introduction, Using grouping, Creating Groups on Text Columns, Using binning, Creating Bins on Number Column and Date Columns, Sorting Data in Visuals, Changing the Sort Column, Sort Order, Sort using column that is not used in the
Visualization, Sort using the Sort by Column button
Power Pivot (DAX)
Power BI Data Modeling – Relationship View
- Data Modeling Introduction
- Relationship, Need of Relationship
- Relationship Types / Cardinality in General
- One-to-One, One-to-Many (or Many-to-One), Many-to-Many
- AutoDetect the relationship, Create a new relationship, Edit existing relationships
- Make the Relationship Active or Inactive
- Delete a relationship
- Cross filter direction (Single, Both), Assume Referential Integrity
Enhancing the Data Model – DAX
- Introduction of DAX, Calculated Columns, Measures, Example of Creating Calculated Columns, Creating Measures and Calculated Tables, Implicit vs. explicit Measures, Row Filter vs. Context filters, DAX Operators, Types of Operators, Arithmetic Operators, Comparison Operators, Text Concatenation Operator, Logical Operators.
DAX Functions Categories
- Date and Time Functions
- Text Functions
- Logical Functions
- Aggregate Functions
- Filter Functions
- Information Functions
- Relationship Functions
- Time Intelligence Functions
- Table Manipulation Functions
Date & Time Functions
- YEAR, MONTH, DAY, WEEKDAY, WEEKNUM, FORMAT (Text Function) a Month Name, Weekday Name
- DATE, TODAY, NOW, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, TIME, DATEDIFF, CALENDAR, Calendar Auto, Creating Date Dimension Table
Text Functions
- Logical Functions
Aggregate Functions
Filter Functions
Information Functions
Relationship Functions
Time Intelligence Functions
Table Manipulation Functions
Power BI Service (Admin Activities)
Power BI Service Introduction
- Power BI Service Introduction, Power BI Cloud Architecture, Creating Power BI Service Account, SIGN IN to Power BI Service Account, Publishing Reports to the Power BI service, Import / Getting the Report to PBI Service, My Workspace / App Workspaces Tabs, DATASETS, WORKBOOKS, REPORTS, DASHBOARDS, Working with Datasets, Creating Reports in Cloud using Published Datasets, Power BI Datasets Live Connection using Desktop, Working with Workbooks, working with Reports, Sharing Reports
Dashboards Development
- Creating Dashboards, Pin Visuals, and Pin LIVE Report Pages to Dashboard, Advantages of Dashboards, Interacting with Dashboards, Adding Tiles to Dashboards, Web Content, Images, Text Box, Video, Formatting Dashboard, Sharing Dashboard
Data Gateways
- Introduction to Data Gateways, Download Data Gateway, Installing a Data Gateway, Types of Gateways, On-premises Data Gateway(Standard Gateway), On-premises Data Gateway (personal mode\Private), Data Gateways work Connect to an on-premise Data Source by using a Data Gateway, Manage Data Gateway, Add and Remove Administrators, Add Data Source, Add or Remove Users to a Data Source, Refresh On-Premise Data, Configuring Automatic Refresh using Schedules
Collaboration in Power BI using App Workspace
- Introduction to App Workspaces, Create an App Workspace, Add Members to App Workspace to Collaborate, App Workspace Roles Access, Admin, Member, Contributor, Assign Workspace to Deployment Pipelines.
Sharing Power BI Content using Apps and Content Packs
- Introduction to App, Publish an App, Update a Published App, Organization, Specific individuals or group, Un publishing an App, Content Pack Introduction, Create Content Pack, Sharing Content Packs, Specific Groups, My Entire Organization
Row Level Security in Power BI (RLS)
- Introduction to Row Level Security, Row Level Security (RLS) with DAX Dynamic & Static, Manage Roles, Creating Roles, Testing Roles, Adding Members to Roles in Power BI Service, Dynamic Row Level Security, Creating Users Table and Adding to the Model, Capturing users using Username () or User Principal Name () Functions.
Data Flows
- Over view of Datasets & Data Flows.
Report Server, Report Builder
- Need for Report Server in PROD, Install, Configure Report Server, Report Server DB, Temp Database, Web service URL, Web portal URL, Power BI Desktop RS, Uploading Interactive Reports, Report Builder, Report Builder For Power BI Cloud, Designing Paginated Reports
Microsoft Business Intelligence (MSBI)
Introduction to Business Intelligence SQL Server 2008R2/2012/2015/2017/2019 Business Intelligence
Course Agenda:
- SQL Server 2008R2/2012/2015/2017 Integration Services (SSIS) – (ETL)
- SSIS Package Architecture Overview
- Installations of software and Overview of Utilization Development and Management Tools
- The Import and Export Wizard SSIS Package Components
Introduction to Data Flow
- Data Flow Overview, Data Sources, Data Destinations, Data Flow Transformations, Data Viewers
Data Sources
- Excel Source, Flat File Source, OLE DB Source, XML Source, and Other Sources.
Data Flow Transformations
- Aggregate Transformation, Audit Transformation, Character Map Transformation, Conditional Split Transformation, Copy Column Transformation, Derived Column Transformation, Data Conversion Transformation, Multicast Transformation, OLE DB Command Transformation, Percentage Sampling Transformation, Row Count Transformation, Sort Transformation, Union All Transformation
Advanced Data Flow Transformation
- Lookup Transformation, Merge Transformation, Merge Join Transformation, Slowly Changing Dimension Transformation, Pivot Transformation, Export Transformation, Import Transformation, Unpivot Transformation.
Data Flow Destinations
- Excel Destination, Flat File Destination, OLE DB Destination, SQL Server Database Destination
Introduction to Control Flow
- Control Flow Overview, Precedence Constraints, Execute SQL Task, Bulk Insert Task, File System Task, FTP Task, Send Mail Task, Bulk Insert Task, Data Flow Task, Execute Package Task Execute Process Task, Web Service Task, XML Task
Advanced Control Flow (containers)
- For Loop Container, For Each Loop Container, Sequence Container
Variables and Configurations (Local & Global)
- Variables Overview, Variable scope, SSIS system variables, using variables in control flow, using variables in data flow, using variables to pass information between packages.
Debugging, Error Handling, and Logging
- SSIS debugging overview, Breakpoints in SSIS, Event Handlers, Configuring Package Logging
Extending SSIS through Custom Code – Scripting
- Introduction to SSIS scripting, SSIS script editor (C#)
SSIS Package Deployment – SSIS DB CatLog / File System
- Configurations and deployment utilities, Deployment options (Package/project).
SSIS Package Management
- The SSIS Service, Managing packages with SQL Server Management Studio, Scheduling packages with SQL Server Agent.
SSIS Real Time Project – (Retail / Banking)
- SSIS ETL & DWH with STAR Schema, SSIS ETL & DWH with SNOWFLAKE Schema, Dimension Table Design & Business Keys, Fact Table Design, Data Integrity, Incremental Data Loads with Containers, Key Lookup and Business Key Identification, Staging Tables, Master – Child Packages, SSIS Package Deployment [Catalog Deployments].
SSIS Training:
- Project Specifications, Project Explanation and Solution, Project FAQs and Resume Support, Chapter Wise FAQs and Answers, Concept Wise Tasks and Solutions, SSIS DWH Databases with Reports, Technical Resume Points in SSIS, End to End Implementation [MSBI].
SQL Server 2008R2/2012/2014/2016 Reporting Services
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) Architecture
- Report Server Configuration
- Report Server Architecture
- Report types and formats
- SSRS Web Services
- Report Server
- Report Builder
- Model Designer
Data sources:
- SQL Server, Oracle, OLE DB, XML
Authoring Reports
Creating basic reports
- Tabular
- List
- Matrix
- Chart
- Constructing data sources and Datasets
- Inserting a data region, fields, and images
Leveraging Expressions & Types
- Built-in Expressions
- Calculating fields
- Integrating expressions in properties
- Applying conditional formatting
- Adding images
Grouping and sorting data
- Grouping to multiple levels
- Sorting the results
- Employing aggregate functions Implementing Parameters and Filters Building parameters into reports
- Returning subsets of data with query parameters
- Mapping report parameters to query parameters
- Building cascading report parameters
- Passing parameters to stored procedures
- Exploiting multivalve parameters
Restricting report data with filters
- Enhancing performance with filters
- Filters vs. query parameters
- Localizing tables and queries Leveraging Advanced Reporting Features Combining data regions in one report
- Utilizing sequential and nested regions
- Producing master/detail reports
- Linking sub-reports
Presenting data with appropriate detail
- Revealing report details with drill down
- Displaying related data with drill-through
- Navigating with document maps Deploying and Delivering Reports Deploying reports to the server
- Preparing reports for publishing
- Configuring project properties
- Units of deployment: Individual reports, projects, solutions, data sources
- Checking results with Report Manager
Securing Reporting Services Securing the RS environment
- Assigning users to roles
- Setting permissions on report items
- Granting and revoking system-level permissions
Creating reports with Report Builder
- Deploying Report Builder to users
- Dragging and dropping entities onto charts and tabular reports
- Navigating data with infinite drill through Creating Reports with REST API / XML
- Interview Questions and Discussions
- Real-time Project Explanation
- Resume preparation
Azure Data Factory (ADF)
Introduction to Microsoft Azure
- what is Cloud computing
- what are services offering Microsoft Azure
- Advantages of cloud computing
- Types of cloud deployments
- Types of cloud Services
- Microsoft Azure vs. AWS
- How to Create Azure Account
- Understand Azure Management Portal
- Azure Architecture & Services
- How to Create Resources and Resource Groups in Microsoft Azure
- Azure Resource Manager vs. classic deployment
- How to create a Virtual Machine
Storage Account in Azure
- Create a Storage Account
- Blob, File, Queues, Tables, Security in Storage Account, Access keys, Share Access Signatures
- Create Containers and Blobs
- Install & Explore Azure Storage Explorer
- Create SAS tokens and understand the benefits of SAS tokens
- Copy Files from on Blob, File, Queues, Tables, Security in Storage Account, Access keys, Share Access Signatures
- Create File Shares and sync the files
- Create Tables using Storage Explorer
Azure SQL Database
- What is Azure SQL
- Azure SQL Managed Instance, SQL in Virtual Machine
- How to Create a Database in Azure SQL Server
- What is Elastic Pool in Azure SQL Database
- How to Query Azure SQL Server from On-premises SSMS and Cloud
- What is Poly base in Azure SQL
- What is an External table
- How to Load Data from On-premises to Cloud SQL using data factory
- Migration of Existing Data from on-premises on-premises to SQL Azure
Azure Data Factory
- Azure Data Factory vs SSIS
- Linked Services, Data Sets, Pipelines
- Parameters vs Variables
- Copy Data, Monitor Manage,
- Different kinds of integration runtimes
- How to create pipelines from a template
- How to configure different Integration Runtimes
- Azure Integration runtime,
- Azure Self Hosted Integration Runtime,
- SSIS Integration runtime.
- Move & transform, Copy Data, Append Variable, Execute Pipeline, Execute SSIS Package
- Get Metadata, Lookup, Stored procedure, Set Variable, Delete, Wait, Until,
- Iteration & Conditionals, Filter, For Each, If Condition, Until
- Incremental Loading in Azure Data factory using Blob Storage to SQL Implementing Slowly changing Dimension Data Flow
- Source, Lookup, Derived Column, Alter Row, Conditional Split, Sink
Azure – Deployment as Code using ARM Templates
- What are ARM Templates used for Deployment
- How to Deploy Data Factory Pipelines DEV, Test, Prod environment
- Version Control and Code Repository in Git Hub
- Debugging and Monitoring Pipelines
- Error handling and Logging error records
- Lift and Shift SSIS packages into Azure Data Factory.
Azure Data Lake
- Blob Storage vs Data Lake
- What is Data Lake & Date Lake Gen1 Vs Gen2
- How to store Data data lake
- How to Query data from Data Lake to SQL Server.
- Introduction to Azure Data Lake U-SQL Batch Job
- How to Schedule Data Lake Analytics Jobs using Data Factory
- Azure Blob to Data Lake Gen 2 using Data Factory
Real-time Projects on [Sales & Customers & Education] domains Resume, Project Oriented FAQs and Solutions
POWER BI Course's Key Highlights
100+ hours of learning
Real-time industry professionals curate the course.
Internships and live projects
A cutting-edge training facility
Dedicated staff of placement experts
Placement is guaranteed 100 percent Assistance
28+ Skills That Are Useful in the Workplace
Trainers with a minimum of 12 years of experience
Videos and back-up classes
Subject Matter Experts Deliver Guest Lectures
What is Power BI?
Power BI Training in Hyderabad
POWER BI is a set of applications, software services, and connectors that are used to transform disparate sources of data into consistent visual, immersive, and interactive information. The data you have may include an Excel spreadsheet or a set of hybrid cloud and on-premises data warehouses. Power BI allows you to access your information sources easily. Analyze and learn about what’s important, and then share it with anyone you wish.
Power BI is comprised of various components that work together, beginning with the six basic components
- Power Query: Data mashing up tool and transform tool.
- Power Pivot: A tabular modeling tool for data
- Power View: A Data visualization tool
- Power Map is a 3D geo-spatial Data visualization tool
- Power Q&A: A natural Language question and answer engine.
- Power BI Desktop is a powerful development tool that can be used with Power BI.
⇒ Power Query can be described as a processing and Mashup software. It is possible to use Power Query to
- Connect to various sources for data (databases files, websites, files APIs, social media, APIs and cloud storage, etc.)
- Combine and bring together data (append or join, merge, and so on.) from different places
- Create new columns of data
- Reduce or format the amount of data
- Change the shape of data (transposing groups or pivoting, as well as un-pivoting, and other innovative methods)
- Formulas can be written to allow for complex manipulations of data.
- Create data that can be refreshed datasets
⇒ Power Pivot is an Excel add-in for Excel that allows you to conduct Powerful data analysis and build the Data Model, which is a set of tables with connections. One of the most impressive features of Power Pivot is an SQL Server Analysis Services engine that runs within Excel using flash memory or RAM within the system. Power Pivot lets Excel be a self-service BI platform used to execute advanced expression programming languages that analyze the model and calculate sophisticated measures.
⇒ Power View enables interactive data exploration visualization, presentation, and visualization that facilitates ad-hoc, intuitive reporting. Massive data sets can be examined in real-time using the flexible visualization tools in Power View. The visualizations for data are constantly changing which makes it easier to make a presentation of the data in one Power View report.
Power View is based on the Data Model in your workbook. You can either begin with an existing Data Model that is already accessible inside Power Pivot or you can build an entirely new Data Model from Power View itself. In this guide, we assume you have a basic understanding of what we mean by Data Model concepts in Power Pivot. In case not, we advise that you go through this Excel Power Pivot tutorial first.
⇒ Power Map is a 3D visualization tool for data in Excel that allows you to show temporal and geographic data visually, then analyze the data in 3D and design films to show to others using Excel. Globe Map is a custom visualization tool used within Power BI reports.
1. Greater meaning: We see our world from a 3D perspective, so when we convert an ordinary 2D plan of our towns or mountains into a 3D map, it instantly creates a stronger connection and an understanding of perspective.
2. An additional dimension 3-D map design doesn’t only have to be based on relative heights. You can also use 3-D effects to give another dimension to your visualizations, for example, population per town. This allows you to convey the most important details in an instant.
3. They appear elegant: Sometimes, half our battle as data analysts is around keeping people in our (or our clients’) companies to become more interested and connected to their data. 3D maps could be an effective way of achieving that ‘wow impact’ that inspires people to be interested in the data.
⇒ POWER BI Q&A: Sometimes the most efficient way to get an answer from the data you have is to ask questions using natural words. Power BI Q&A is a feature that allows you to ask questions in natural language Power BI Q&A feature allows users to look at the data in your terms. It is the most interactive method. In most cases, it is the case that one question leads to other questions as the graphs offer interesting routes to follow.
Power bi components Q&A visual
The Power Bi Q&A visual is made up of four components. They are:
• The Power BI Question box is where users can write their questions and are given suggestions on how to answer their questions.
• The power bi Q&A comes with an already-populated list of suggested questions
• Icon to transform the power bi Q&A visual into the standard visual.
• Icon to open the power bi Q&A tooling. This will let the designer configure the natural language engine that runs underneath.
⇒ Power BI Desktop Microsoft Power BI Desktop is an analytics and reporting program that users can install on a PC to build dashboards and live reports. When integrated into the Power BI Service, the user can also share the reports with stakeholders and decision-makers to assist them in understanding the situation of the business.
It combines all of the analytics and components in a single. Power BI has a simple and user-friendly application that allows the most novice user to design impressive reports, models of data, and customized dashboards.
In Power BI Desktop users can:
- Connect to data
- Transform and model the data
- Create charts and graphs
- Create reports and Dashboards that are collections of visuals
- Share reports with others using the Power BI service
Why Learn Power BI Training with V CUBE Software Solutions ?
Power BI Courses in Hyderabad
Are you eager to Receive the Best Power BI Training in Kukapally You are in the right Place. V CUBE is a Best Software Training Company in Hyderabad that offers the best software training. You might wonder why you have to choose V CUBE for Power BI Training in Hyderabad while there are so many institutes First Let us brief you about our Software Training Institute which is Located in Kukapally, Hyderabad. V CUBE is one of the Leading Software Training Institutes we Specialized in Various Software Courses along with Power BI, We almost Trained 500 Students around 300 of Them Get Placed in Top MNC companies We assist candidates in achieving their dream jobs via the use of tech career and practical programming and IT skills. Our instructors have a combined experience of more than 15 years. We make sure that students obtain real-world experience by having our trainers work in top MNC firms, providing job-oriented training, and career guidance programs, and requiring students to work on two real-world projects to gain hands-on experience. The major purpose of this training is to give users a working knowledge of utilizing Power BI to explore and analyze information, as well as to create simple visualizations for dashboards using the capabilities offered by the Power BI platform We Provide Power BI Courses in Hyderabad for online and Offline the Fees may Fluctuate Between Online and Offline but we make sure every student get Best Training Possible as the classroom contains only Limited Students the Trainers can concentrate on every Student’s Performance and analyze them, Guide them Individually. Join Java Training in Kphb now and Upgrade your Skills We offer both online and offline Power BI training in Hyderabad. The fees may fluctuate between online and offline, but we ensure that every student receives the best training possible since the classroom has a limited number of students, allowing the trainers to focus on each student’s performance and assess and guide them individually. Our competent educators will guide learners through every aspect of the Power BI program, from beginner to advanced. START YOUR CAREER WITH THE POWER BI CERTIFICATION COURSE, WHICH WILL GET YOU A JOB OF 5 TO 12 LAKHS IN JUST 60 DAYS. Now is the time to enroll in Power BI Training in KPHB and improve your skills.
Description of the Power BI Course
Why Power BI is so Popular?
Power BI Course: Power BI is a collection of programming administrations, apps, and connectors that work together to transform your unusable data into sound, visually appealing, and intelligent experiences. Your data could be in the shape of an Excel accounting page or a collection of cloud-based and on-premises half-and-half information stockrooms. Force BI enables you to connect to your data sources, visualize and locate what’s important, and share it with whomever or whomever you need.
Force BI Desktop is a free application that you install on a nearby PC and use to interact with, alter, and visualize your data With Power BI Desktop, you can connect to a variety of data sources and combine them (also known as demonstrating) into an information model. This data model enables you to create visuals and collections of visuals that you can share as reports with people in your organization.
Who can Learn Power BI?
To learn Power BI, you don’t need any prior experience with any tool.
The Following People can Learn Power BI
♦ B.COM/B.SC/ BBA etc All Degree Graduates
♦ Engineer Graduates (any Department)
♦Those with a three-to-four-year career gap
♦ People who seek to go from a non-technical to a technical career
Is Power BI Easy to Learn?
The simple answer is YES. Because we teach so many beginners, we always make sure that they acquire as much information as possible, allowing them to quickly go from 0 to advanced.
What are the career opportunities for Power BI?
One of the on-demand courses/tools is Power BI. Many businesses are looking for power bi developers. Simply search Power BI on any of the employment portals to find a plethora of options. Many businesses are also switching their data analysis tools to Power BI.
What are the Salary Trends of Power BI?
The Following are the average Trends of Power BI
- Power BI Developer – Rs. 4,78,587.
- Power BI Software Engineer – Rs. 4,42,373.
- Power BI Analyst – Rs. 4,94,000.
- Senior Software Engineer – Rs. 7,85,636.
- Senior Business Intelligence (BI) Analyst – Rs. 9,28,556.
- Power BI Business Analyst (IT) – Rs. 3,93,054.
Yes, absolutely. Both are only reporting tools. However, Power BI has certain advanced features in comparison to Tableau, and the license fee is also quite low in Power BI, therefore any small business should use it exclusively.
What projects am I required to complete
We offer both classroom and online classes. While you may get Power BI training in Kukapally, Hyderabad, for online sessions, all you need is a Windows computer with a strong internet connection to access the class anywhere, at any time for online sessions. It’s also a good idea to use a headset with a microphone. These lessons can also be accessed via a smartphone or tablet.
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Contact Info
- 2nd Floor Above Raymond’s Clothing Store KPHB, Phase-1, Kukatpally, Hyderabad
- +91 7675070124, +91 9059456742
- contact@vcubegroup.com