Features of Angular 9
Features of Angular 9. Angular was first launched in 2009, and its most recent version, Angular 9, was released on February 7th, 2020. Angular is the most widely used Javascript framework for creating front-end desktop web apps or single-page applications, and it has given rise to every Angular Development Company on the planet. Angular, which is backed by Google, has matured into a mature and well-developed framework over time. For progressive web development, a consolidated collection of ideas is necessary.
Angular is the front-end development framework of choice for developers all around the world. As a result, the team’s ability to patch bugs and change the existing foundation becomes critical. As a result, angular releases a new version every six months.
Angular 9: New Features and Improvements
So, how does Angular 9 differ from previous versions? All of the current downsides have been adjusted in this new release. Angular’s prior versions were influenced by a variety of causes. Large bundle sizes, for instance, have had a negative influence on download times, application speed, and user experience. So, what is the Angular team doing to address the final bundles’ huge size? Ivy has arrived!
Let’s take a closer look at IVY and all of the Angular 9 features, shall we?
Ivy’s default compiler
The underlying foundation of the entire framework has changed in Angular 9. As the default compiler, all apps will use the IVY renderer. IVY-based apps are more efficient. To top it off, the IVY compiler in Angular 9 solves several problems while also adding new functionalities. Let’s have a look at how:
Bundle sizes are improved. Bundle sizes are anticipated to shrink by 25-40% depending on the app size in this Angular 9 feature. Small apps benefit the most from IVY’s tree shaking functionality because the angular components require less code. The higher the performance, the smaller the bundles are. Ivy is to be commended!
Allows for more efficient debugging.
One of the numerous capabilities of the IVY compiler and runtime is debugging. It is difficult for programmers to create an entirely bug-free program. That is why it is critical to provide the codebase with tools and approaches for fleshing out problems. To debug its applications, the Angular framework in Angular 9 employs certain unique methodologies and tools. With these, you can:
-Access to instances of components and directives can be requested via Angular.
-can use apply changes to trigger change detection
-Manually calling methods and updating the state is possible.