How Appium Actually Works
How Appium Works The client-server architecture is used by Appium. Once the connection is made, it listens for commands, executes them on the linked mobile device, and then returns the command execution result via HTTP response. Because of the client-server design, we can create our test scripts in any language that provides an HTTP client API.
How Appium Works employs the UI Automation library on iOS platforms, whereas the UI Automator framework is used on newer Android platforms. It also uses Selendroid to support previous Android versions. It also makes use of Microsoft’s Win App Driver for Windows.
Client libraries for programming languages such as C#, JAVA, Ruby, PHP, and Python enable Appium extensions to the Selenium WebDriver Protocol, so you can use these programming languages’ client libraries instead of the WebDriver client.
For recording and playback, Appium Inspector is an extremely useful tool. It is aware of the hierarchy of elements. It records and plays the behavior of the native program, much like any other record and playback automation tool, and provides test scripts.
So, whenever you need to record your manual actions into scripts or look up the value, name, description, or other properties of an element to use in XPath commands, the Appium Inspector is there to help you.
Appium is a free open-source user interface testing framework commonly used for Android and iPhone mobile apps. It works with a variety of languages that enable HTTP requests and Selenium client libraries, including Java, JavaScript with Node.js, PHP, Ruby, Python, C#, Perl, and others.
Appium is independent of the operating systems used on mobile devices, allowing us to use them regardless of the running system. It’s because of the Appium framework, which turns selenium web driver commands into UI Automator commands for Android and UI Automation commands for iOS, so it’s dependent on the type of device rather than the operating system.