What are Angular JS Components
What are Angular JS Components is a web application framework that was released as an open-source project in 2009. Misko Hervy and Adam Abrons came up with this idea. Google is now in charge of this framework. The Model View Controller (MVC) framework, which is similar to the JavaScript Framework, is the foundation for this framework architecture. Furthermore, this framework is ideal for creating single-page apps. It’s a framework that’s constantly evolving and improving to provide better ways to construct apps.
AngularJS consists of several components. Let us discuss some of them. They are:
a) Data binding: In Angular JS, data binding is a two-way process, with the view layer of the MVC architecture being a carbon copy of the Model layer. As a result, there’s no need to write any extra code to link data to HTML Controls. In most MVC systems, we must update the view and model layers regularly to keep them in sync. In Angular Js, the model and view layers are said to be synced. As a result, whenever the data in the model changes, the change is reflected in the view layer, and vice versa. All of this happens instantly and automatically with angular. It ensures that the model and view are always up to date.
b)Templates: The utilization of templates is one of the most important features of this application framework. In Angular Js, templates are often provided in the DOM by the browser. The DOM is used as the Angular JS Compiler’s input in this case. The Angular JS then traverses the DOM templates to render the directives. Angular JS’s other siblings work differently. AngularJS, on the other hand, does not change the template strings and instead uses HTML Strings. We can increase directive vocabulary (or) even abstract them into reusable components using the DOM.
c)Dependency Injection: It’s a software design pattern based on the Inversion of Control principle. The phrase “inversion control” is used to describe items that do not produce other objects. As a result, they had to get the objects from somewhere else. Furthermore, what are the angular JS components because the primary object cannot construct dependent objects, an external source builds a dependent object and passes it to the source object for use. As a result, we can use dependency injection to generate the entire information database and access the model class. Dependencies were injected into AngularJS using the “injectable factory method” (or) function Object() { [native code] } function.
d) Scope: It is a built-in object in Angular Js that contains application data and models. Here the $scope is responsible for transferring the data from the controller to the view and vice-versa. Besides, we can create properties for the $scope object inside the controller function and assign a value to it.
e)Controller: A controller is a Java script function Object() { [native code] } function in AngularJS that contains the attributes/properties and functions that increase the scope of AngularJS. Each controller takes the scope as a parameter that specifies the application to be handled. As a result, there are numerous other Angular J components. Through the AngularJS Online Course, you may gain practical knowledge of AngularJS components from live professionals with real-world examples.