Learn how to get started with Microsoft Power Automate Desktop.

Learn how to get started with Microsoft Power Automate Desktop.

Learn how to get started with Microsoft Power Automate Desktop. According to prominent industry research firm Gartner, robotic process automation (RPA) has been one of the fastest growing categories in the corporate software market in recent years.

And, as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic and its aftermath, businesses are anticipated to pivot toward digital transformation, including the digitalization and automation of core business activities.

With Microsoft’s announcement on March 2, 2021, that Microsoft Power Automate Desktop will be offered to Windows 10 users at no additional cost, the advent of a new class of citizen coders (and their army of digital employees) took on new significance.

With cost frequently cited as a barrier to enterprise-wide RPA adoption, Microsoft’s move is shaping up to be a watershed moment that ushers in the era of the robot for every employee. Any task or procedure that can be automated will be automated in this era of hyper automation.

In light of this, there has never been a more important or urgent time for everyone to learn about RPA. Whether you work for a multinational corporation or a small and medium business, or if you are an entrepreneur or a small business owner, you should understand how to use technology at work.

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