Defect / Bug Life Cycle:
What Happens When Something’s Wrong with Software
When an issue is spotted in the software, it’s recorded.
The problem is given to someone responsible for fixing it.
The person assigned to fix the issue starts figuring out what’s causing it and how to solve it
They make the necessary changes to fix the problem.
The fix is tested to make sure it works and doesn’t create new issues.
Once it’s all confirmed, the problem is marked as solved and documented.
Sometimes, a problem that was thought to be fixed pops up again. When this happens, it’s reopened for further investigation and fixing
If a problem isn’t critical or can’t be fixed right away, it might be put on hold to be dealt with later.
Occasionally, an issue might be found not to be a problem at all or not worth fixing. In this case, it’s rejected and closed without changes.
- It helps keep track of problems and ensures they get fixed properly.
- Everyone involved can see what’s happening with each problem, making things clear.
- By having a clear process, issues are dealt with more efficiently.
- Constantly fixing problems improves the quality of the software.
- Keeping records of past problems helps prevent similar ones in the future
- Following the process means spending extra time and effort, which can slow things down.
- Sometimes, sticking too closely to the process can get in the way of being flexible and creative.
- If people don’t report issues properly, the process doesn’t work well.
- If problems aren’t handled efficiently at any stage, it can hold up the whole process.
- Dealing with lots of issues can make the process confusing and hard to manage